Search found 14 matches
- Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:21 pm
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: Spys in the Lab: Reference Managers are all spyware
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8429
Re: Spys in the Lab: Reference Managers are all spyware
I haven't had time to fix Zotero. Maybe in a few months.
- Mon Jan 04, 2021 3:29 pm
- Forum: C++
- Topic: Vim is not a good replacement for an IDE
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6756
Vim is not a good replacement for an IDE
I love vi... always have. It's my go-to editor. So, when I see all these people showing gorgeous screen shots of how vim can replace VSCODE or CODE::Blocks, I took them seriously. After extensive research, I can say that this is complete BS. The vim community is completely fractured. The best code c...
- Sun Nov 08, 2020 6:34 pm
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: Spys in the Lab: Reference Managers are all spyware
- Replies: 1
- Views: 8429
Spys in the Lab: Reference Managers are all spyware
A reference manager is a conceptually simple piece of software. You need to maintain a database of articles that you have in hand or that you know about, maintain many, many details concerning the article.... because, at some point, you are going to format that information into a citation and biblio...
- Tue Oct 27, 2020 10:21 am
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: Adobe PDF reader to blame for dropped graphics, not Fiery Commander (probably)
- Replies: 0
- Views: 5770
Adobe PDF reader to blame for dropped graphics, not Fiery Commander (probably)
The time finally came to self-print my book. However, my Epson color printer hit its print limit, and even though there was nothing wrong with it, the printer's firmware commanded a shutdown. Needless to say, I'm never buying Epson ever again. :evil: As a result, my printer was now junk, and I had t...
- Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:38 pm
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: The Lies of the Self-Publishing Industry
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5419
Re: The Lies of the Self-Publishing Industry
Update on Binding: In keeping with my previous comment on the horrible naming scheme the book industry uses for book bindings, there is some positive news. The "double fan" method (also known as Lumbecking) looks fantastic. It isn't completely lie-flat, but it is a noticeable improvement over the ty...
- Sun Jul 19, 2020 2:05 pm
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: The Lies of the Self-Publishing Industry
- Replies: 1
- Views: 5419
The Lies of the Self-Publishing Industry
LYING CON ARTISTS say it's easy to self-publish: I really thought that I could self-publish my book by using one of the many web sites that offer such services. These companies (and their accompanying enthusiast pages) pretend you can make money self-publishing a print book, printing only what you ...
- Sun Jul 19, 2020 1:31 pm
- Forum: Obvious Trash that should be Vigorously Ignored (OT2VI)
- Topic: The Industry-Sponsored "Colorspace" Fraud
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6143
The Industry-Sponsored "Colorspace" Fraud
Why work with Colorspaces? I've always accepted the idea that color spaces like RGB and CMYK somehow represented reality and an enriching abstraction... that is, until recently. Due to my failed efforts to get proper color from digital printing, it dawned on me that the only reason I accepted this ...
- Thu May 28, 2020 10:31 am
- Forum: Tech News
- Topic: PDF became non-standard while we weren't looking
- Replies: 0
- Views: 6444
PDF became non-standard while we weren't looking
Remember the PDF standard, the file exchange format for documents that's incredibly convoluted and difficult to program for, but, hey, at least it's a standard that will always work. Well.... not so much anymore. :evil: There are now 8 type of PDF file . And gosh, are they just so proud of the fact ...
- Mon May 18, 2020 1:34 pm
- Forum: Web Software Review
- Topic: "Commerce" software on shared hosting
- Replies: 0
- Views: 9383
"Commerce" software on shared hosting
Open Cart: These blokes were one of the few options that could explain themselves clearly. I was very hopeful. However, they use the Goog. Every single person that comes to your site is going to ping Google for something. Unacceptable! The odd thing is that the site seems to work fine even if I tur...
- Fri May 01, 2020 10:58 am
- Forum: Obvious Trash that should be Vigorously Ignored (OT2VI)
- Topic: Self-torque of light can torque off
- Replies: 0
- Views: 4575
Self-torque of light can torque off The department of Snappy Graphics and Not Asking Too Many Questions brings us our latest physics "discovery", the self torque of light . See here , here , here , and here . I offer no excuses for t...